Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Guess what!

This is my 100th post!

I really can't believe that this is my 100th post, I feel like I just started blogging. I have been trying to think of a way to make this blog different. So that never happened so you are stuck with my normal blogs! So last night was not a good night for me plain as that, someone I thought was a friend turned out to not be one. So since I didn't know what else to do I just sat down and knitted. I finished my first two baby hats ever out of my own handspun art yarn!

 Okay so I used the Trendy Baby Hat pattern, it was super easy and still so cute. I was able to knit two hats out of my forty or so yards of art yarn. I also made my first ever bobble! It took a couple tries but eventually I got it right. I have no idea yet what I am actually going to do with these.

 I am leaning towards knitting a couple more cute baby hats and donating them to the hospital. My mom works there and told me how they usually only get very generic baby hats and would love something special. I also have actually been busy spinning. I am working on my light blue, merino/tussah mix that I bought at Beelighted.

I struggled with it at first, it kept slipping through my fingers. But now that I am almost done I am getting used to it. I plan to just do another two ply with it because I am now obsessed with plying. Last night I also started my first ever pair of mittens! Not much worth taking a picture of yet so those will come soon. I hope you all are having a great week!


  1. I really love your blogging style, it really works for you and I enjoy reading your blog a lot! Sorry to hear about the disappointment, believe me, I completely understand, it isn't fun. Obviously you are WAY too cool for that person considering you make awesome hats with yarn you spun yourself, they were probably jealous ; )

  2. I love your baby hats! I also love how you channeled your negative energy into something beautiful, good for you!
